
Shih-tou Shan
Lion's Head Mountain is a mountainous area on the borders of Hsinchu County and Miaoli County famous for its Buddhist temples and scenery. (http://www.trimt-nsa.gov....)

Shei-pa National Park 雪霸國家公園 spans mountains and rivers offering some great hiking, climbing and relaxation.

Located near Hsinchu City is the Little Ding-Dong Science Park 小叮噹科學遊樂區. It is the only outdoor science theme park in Taiwan.

Chi'ding Resort Beach, half an hour south of Hsinchu along route 61, has a basic beach. Closed during typhoons. This area has a VERY flat beach area great for Skim Boarding. The resort has Jetski's, windsurfers and Kite boarding.